I just congratulated my colleague on the beginning of her period. I am well aware of how dreading the days before the period are and how alleviating the rise of estrogen feels for the body and mind after its absolute low. As someone says – a good thing of being down is that there is only one way – up (of course, till estrogen hits its absolute max during ovulation and starts its way down once again till the next rise).
Have you ever felt how the time stretches and slows before period? The feeling of dread may be overpowering, and even the nicest things feel muted as if the world has lost part of its colors or I got numb.
I have a mantra for the last premenstrual days I want to share: “Don’t believe this illusion of doom that apper with estrogen’s lowest levels. My body is self-inflicting fresh wounds to renew the uterus lining. I am safe. I am fine. It will last just a few days.”
“Premenstrual hopelessness has an expiration day”, I also say.
To get through this illusion of hopelessness, I get lost in my favorite tunes and binge-watch guilt-free. I allow my tears to run free, close my eyes, and wait it out. I still show up for my chores – the coming period does not cancel my skills.
So, yes! “Congratulations, you got your period!” Now estrogen has only way – up, and we can achieve so much till the next estrogen drop, till the next premenstrual phase when we will take a break.