Achieving gender equality and addressing patriarchy has been a focus of feminist movements for many years. Cycle syncing, on the other hand, does not offer a framework for protests and manifestos, but plays a deeper role in uniting women through a deep understanding of womanhood, raise of self-awareness, and leading to a stigma and shame-free wholesomeness.
As women, we can and, frankly, should exercise all at once – be a feminist IRL and social media, spread girls’ power around, and cycle sync to gain agency over highly stigmatized women’s way of being and doing. Only then, it might finally be enough to break free from a men-centered, men-designed, ma(i)n-streamed reality where every concept turns around a golden standard to be compared to, a golden standard of testosterone-driven men, who has no resemblance to estrogen-driven us.
Feminist movements vary in their scope of theories, ideologies, perspectives, and focus. Original feminist movements fought for an equal-to-men place in a man’s world: to vote and voice in men-designed financial and political systems. To be taken seriously in a workspace designed for men and by men. To be rewarded equally while performing the same scope of work. To achieve sexual liberation and a right (or rather, self-permission?) to pleasure and joy
Is the fight over?
While it was necessary, important, and groundbreaking to get representation in traditionally men’s fields, roles, and games, the process of women’s inclusion into the men-designed world is not over. It is still ongoing through the fight for reproductive rights, freedom from body image stereotypes, freedom to choose household and parenting roles, and to be included in political, social, financial, cultural, and educational areas and research – all areas and fields. We still fight for the basic right to feel safe, for crying out loud.

But we are trapped in comparing our everything to a golden standard of men and to what defines their everything. We still carry loads of self-doubt, guilt, resentment, and shame – because that is how we view ourselves – through men’s eyes, while not hardwired like them.
On girl’s power
Girls’ Power movement enriches and amplifies traditional feminism. It encourages women and girls to be their own best selves, to pursue their own dreams, and to question and call out gender stereotypes at school, the workplace, and beyond. Girls’ Power promotes women’s confidence and self-expression and encourages us to practice mutual solidarity and support.
I think that Girls’ Power is the movement that started to weed out internalized misogyny and sexism that women practice towards themselves – because, once again, it is what we were taught to do – to perceive ourselves through men’s eyes.

What’s next?
Now, what is next? I see an opportunity to rethink the present and shape the future. Let’s call it Flow Feminism – feminism with a cornerstone in women’s cycle synchronization.
Flow Feminism recognizes that the modern world has inherited a generational testosterone-driven set of rules, standards, and expectations.
Flow Feminism recognizes that in a fight for integration and equal participation of women in a man’s world, women were bound to copy men’s ways while neglecting their estrogen-driven way.
Flow Feminism recognizes that testosterone-based routines are not sustainable for estrogen-driven people and in the long term may lead to physical and emotional strain.
Flow Feminism, finally, acknowledges women’s estrogen rhythm as nature-intended and as valuable as a testosterone one.

Flow Feminism encourages women to re-evaluate areas of their lives in terms of synchronization with their body’s and mind’s internal rhythm and encourages them to challenge adopted testosterone-intended lifestyle.
It does not compare genders, as it recognizes to each their own.
It understands that while genders pursue equity and equality, it shouldn’t be confused with sameness. Male and female – are equally important, equally valuable, equally needed, and equally appreciated.
Flow Feminism does not go over past trespasses but puts time and effort into helping to shift society’s mindset toward learning and growth. It acknowledges women’s not testosterone-driven timelines of being, feeling, and doing and empowers learning about them.
It rethinks traditional women’s empowerment built on men-oriented routines and includes cycle-syncing skills into the women’s empowerment pitch.
Flow Feminism fosters neutral language around women’s emotional volatility throughout the estrogen cycle to eradicate sexist jokes and women’s own internalized misogynistic stereotypes. It helps to heal generational shame.
It believes that with cycle-synced womanhood, humankind is more conscious and whole.
This Women’s Day and beyond:
- If you are tired of rivalry, resentment, and passive-aggressive name-calling;
- If you aspire for feminism to be solid in its core, a movement of women who know who they are and how they flow;
- If you are ready to release yourself from the pressure of fitting in into the molds not intended for you to fit in;
- If you want to feel whole,
- … then you are already a part of a new narrative about estrogen-driven flow.